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A Grease Test of LW-9389 TIM Thermal Resistance and Conductivity Measurement Apparatus

Have 3 thickness conditions by using specialized fixtures.
Record following parameters by PC-based data acquisition software
Calculate thermal resistance (R, ℃/W) and thermal impedance (I, ℃cm²/W) of each condition.

Th Tc P Q R I t
psi W ℃/W ℃*cm²/W cm
80.00 72.90 40.05 58.20 0.122 0.787 0.01
80.00 70.00 40.05 53.76 0.186 1.200 0.02
80.00 68.03 40.05 50.70 0.236 1.523 0.03

Measuring and calculated parameters
Th: Hot surface temperature;
Tc: Cold surface temperature;
P: Press load;
Q: Heat flux;
R: Thermal resistance;
I: Thermal impedance;
t: Thickness

Plot the correlation of thermal impedance and specimen thickness.
Thermal conductivity (K) of the specimen: 2.72 W/m℃ can be got
by the slope after simply unit conversion.
The intercept is the contact impedance caused from the contact condition
between the specimen and meter bar surfaces.

A Grease Test of LW-9389 TIM Thermal Resistance and Conductivity Measurement Apparatus

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